
Mindfulness activities for the Well-being of staff and pupils

These sessions will enable the children not only how to recognise their thoughts, emotions and actions, but also how to react to them in a positive way. It is a time of being calm, quiet and relaxed. We can complete these sessions both in school and at home.

It is important that we teach the children strategies to help them deal with stressful situations.

Link to Cosmic Kids 

1.     Breathing activities

Mindfulness Meditation

2.     Listen to a calm piece of music

Relaxing Disney Piano Music 

Colours of Nature Music

3.     Look at a picture


4.     Read a meditation from ‘Relax Kids’

Relax Kids

5.     Five Senses Exercise 

·       Notice 5 things you can see

·       Notice 4 things you can hear- tune into the sounds around you

·       Notice 3 things you can feel- the texture of your jumper, the carpet or table or the softness of your skin

·       Notice 2 things you can smell

·       Notice 1 thing you can taste. What is the taste in your mouth right now?

6.     Contentment thermometer 

7.     Twinkl challenge cards 

Mindfulness Challenge cards

Mindfulness Challenge Cards 2

8.    Mindfulness Activities for Classroom

Classroom Activities 

9.   Whole lesson introduction into mindfulness

Mindfulness through Film KS2 

10.  YouTube: Extensive ideas

The Secret Treehouse 

5 Minute Guided Session 

Mindfulness Meditation KS2

Peace Out Guided Relaxation for Kids 

The Splendour of A Colour Kaleidoscope