Year 6 parents, here is a link to the powerpoint presentation that was used during the meeting before half term regarding any information you need to know for next week.
Llangranog Meeting Information
If you click on the link below you will have access to the power point presentation that has been delivered this evening in regards to the Year 5 residential to Llangranog.
The first link opens as a powerpoint presentation and the second link opens as a pdf.
Llangranog powerpoint presentation
Thank you
ESTYN Inspection at Cwmafan Primary
As you are all aware, we undertook an ESTYN inspection back in Autumn 2018, which we are proud to say went successfully. We would appreciate it if you would please take a few minutes to read our ESTYN Inspection report. (This can be found in our Policies and Documents section on the website) or you alternatively, click on the link below to be redirected to the PDF version of the report.
FINAL ESTYN report Cwmafan Primary School
We are all very pleased with the report. It is a fair reflection of our school. We are all very proud of our pupils and the team effort between pupils, staff, parents and governors to ensure that Cwmafan Primary is a GOOD school.
Thank you,
Mr Workman
School Council Motto Update
The school council have decided on their top five favourite Mottos. They have presented these options to the children in assembly today. The children are currently voting for their favourite motto on J2Vote.
Here are the options:
1.Pupil voice, pupil choice.
2. Thoughts need words. Words need a voice.
3. One school council, one powerful voice.
4.Your voice, your choice.
5.Our voice, our choice.
In their next meeting the school council will read the graph of data that has been collected in order to reveal the winning motto.
Pupil Voice Votes
The school council have been working their way through the suggestions from the Pupil Voice Box during this weeks meeting. There have been a wide range of suggestions put forward. Some examples of which are:
*Hold an ‘Old Book Sale’ to raise money for the school to buy new books.
*Buy a climbing frame for the Junior Department yard.
*Have certain areas for the different equipment in the school yard.
There have been many more brilliant suggestions and it will take a lot of deliberation from the school council members as to which suggestions we can put into action.
We are grateful as ever for the continued support of our peers.
Thanks, from the School Council Members
New Main Office
I am pleased to inform you that the old Junior School and Infant School offices have now been combined. The main entrance now has fully ramped access and is situated in the Junior building opposite the canteen. The office is centrally located and can be accessed via the ramp. All enquiries must come through the new office.
The school number remains the same 01639 896312.
If you arrive at school late you must ensure that your child is taken to the new main office and signed in.
Welcome to our new website!
We’re still growing so please bare with us whilst we add more content.