Cwmafan Through Our Eyes

The children of Cwmafan Primary School undertook a project looking at our Cynefin.
Though often translated as ‘habitat’, Cynefin is not just a place in a physical or geographical sense: it is the historic, cultural and social place which has shaped and continues to shape the community which inhabits it.
It is place where we feel we belong, where the people and landscape around us are familiar, and the sights and sounds are reassuringly recognisable.

“No steel works, no Port Talbot.It was the jewel in the crown”
Harry Jones

“When I think of Cwmafan I think of home!”
Jack Jones

Isabel created a Monopoly game of Cwmafan with many local landmarks and businesses’

Read our very own Pod Antur Stori all about Cwmafan!

Jubilee Celebrations
Please click the link above to access information regarding our Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations.

Fun Football
Please click on the link below to access a poster of information on a football club available to the children.

Road Safety Consent Information – Year 5 and Year 6
Please click on the link below to read the information about Road Safety for your child.
Please print this form out if possible and sign. If you are unable to print out at home, then you will need to read the information and write a note giving consent on a blank piece of paper with your signature.
Your child CANNOT take part in this activity if there is not consent given.

Cycling Training Information Posters
Please click on the links below to access information about Cycling Training and E-Bikes.