Author: Miss Davoren

Results of Year 4’s Alfred Russel Wallace Competition

During the Autumn term Year 4 were invited to attended a production of The Butterfly Hunter produced by Theatr Na Nog. Following this excellent production Year 4 took part in a competition based around the life and adventures of Alfred Russel Wallace. A total of 53 schools watched the production of The Butterfly Hunter and in February 2020 Cwmafan School was shortlisted as one of the final three competition entries.

As a result of this Year 4 were invited to an awards ceremony in Swansea’s Waterfront Museum. Sadly due to the current situation this had to be cancelled indefinitely which was disappointing for both staff and pupils. However the show must go on and Theatr Na Nog have produced an online award ceremony to announce the results. Good luck to all the finalists and watch the video to see the results of all the children’s hard work.

To watch the award ceremony  including the three finalists follow the link below: (this includes a shortened version of our competition entry)

To see our competition entry in full click the link below:

Alfred Wallace Competition Entry FULL

To read about all the hard work we’ve done click the link below:

Alfred RW essay